The Fireplace Project

complete wing

June 2014


I finally finished the phoenix wing!!!




It’s the final piece in my Fireplace Project, and by far the most challenging.







The pieces are roughly based on the 4 Elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

wing-onlyMost artists will tell you that things in groups of 3 are more interesting and attractive. But Native American spirituality tells us that our society would be much more in balance if we connect with the number 4.  There are 4 elements, 4 seasons, 4 directions, 4 stages of life, 4 aspects of life (spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical) and in Native American spirituality 4 sacred animals (Eagle, Bear, Wolf and Buffalo), 4 ceremonial plants (tobacco, sweet grass, sage and cedar), and the list could go on. With both ideas in mind, the 4 elements came together in 3 columns.


Each piece is a different technique working with paper. The larger vertical frames are 30″ x 16″ and the smaller frames are 17″ x 13″. All of the individual projects are now completed! The final Fire project was the most ambitious I’ve attempted and there were many working models.

These are the ideas/inspirations for the projects.


the inspiration:                                                           my finished project:
(from artist Peter Callesen)

tree-idea-2           tree



the inspiration (one of my popup cards):                  my finished project:

Flight_Line-opt          flightline



the inspiration:                                                           my finished project:
(sorry – I don’t know the artist)

water-idea                                            water



the inspiration:                                                       my finished project:
(From artist Calvin Nichols)

fire-idea                                        wing

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